First Chapter Banquet: January 29, 1969
Seated: Mrs. Vi Fermenich, Mrs. and Mr. Ladd Thomas, Don Kemp.
Standing: Ken Saunders, Raymond Barnes and Brother Joseph Drolet, CSV
The newly formed Southern Nevada Chapter of the American Guild of Organists held its first banquet, honoring local clergymen, on January 20, 1969 at the Showboat Hotel.
The speaker for the banquet, Ladd Thomas, was organist of the First United Methodist Church of Glendale, California and for the Pasadena Symphony. He was a graduate of Occidental College, held a Master’s Degree in Theology from the Southern California School of Theoogy in Claremont, and held a local preacher’s licence in the Methodist Church. At the time, Thomas was completing a Doctorate in Music at the University of Southern California. News clippings of the event described Mr. Thomas’ address as he “imparted a wealth of knowledge to the very eager, attentive and appreciative audience.”
Dinner included a tossed green salad, pot roast with brown gravy, dinner rolls, baked potato & sour cream, mixed vegetables, dessert and beverage.
Chapter Officers:
Raymond J. Barnes, Dean
Don Kemp, Sub-Dean
Vi Firmenich, Secretary
Kenneth Saunders, Treasurer
Brother Joseph Drolet, C.S.V., Chaplain
Members at Large:
Eugene Corry, Eugene Feher, Gilbert Firmenich, Margaret Hanna, Georgine Hasler, Marium Hoagland, Charlotte McCann, Phyllis McCauslin, Grace McGlothen, Arthur Nelson, Nina Newell, Carol Parillo, Ethelyn Peterson, Phyllis Smith, JoAnn Sykes, Leonard B. Weaver, Verna Westhaver, Chris Wichers
Sponsors for the event included McCann Realty, Southern Nevada Music, Ron Hammond Piano and Organ Sales at Wurlitzer, Bill Lawson-Copy Prep.
LAS VEGAS VOICE. Thursday, January 30, 1969